Thursday, April 1, 2010

AS Reading Group Dry-Run

A few nights ago the Chicago Objectivist Society (COS) had a dry-run of the first session of it's first-ever Atlas Shrugged Reading Group. All who attended remarked that it went exceedingly well. We are excited for our first real session (that is open to the public) next week.

It was refreshing and insightful to go over AS in great detail. We gained a deeper understanding of the writing, characters, and themes after talking about them with each other. I am going to try to attend all of meetings over the next 20 weeks, but it is hard to say right now.

The format for our reading groups are based on the sections and questions that have been developed by Diana Hsieh at Explore Atlas Shrugged. I have to give Diana much thanks and admiration at a job well done with her work. The questions that she created are a great mixture of beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. They are straight forward and open up the discussion easily.

Finally, I would like to send a "Good Job" to Walter for moderating and to Jason, Keith, and Pari for their initiative in forming the reading group. Hopefully this will be the first of many.

1 comment:

  1. For the most part I wouldn't want to live in Chicago, but I sure would like to be able to attend your reading group. You guys should consider moving to CA.
